This article follows Transverse Stability, Part 3: Dynamic Stability Part 3 of this series dealt with changes in transverse stability taking place once a vessel starts travelling through the water. This article discusses the way the stability of sailing yachts can be challenged at sea as a result of wave action. Wave action doesn’t reduce […]
Stability considerations from a sea-going point of view
Inverted Stability: Once Upside Down
Inverted stability applies when a yacht remains upside down. It is a rare, but not unknown event and one situation where some understanding of yacht design and stability can become of crucial importance at sea. Two main scenarios lead to capsize: Loss of the keel or ballast Yacht rolled by a breaking sea and remaining […]
Transverse Stability, Part 3: Dynamic Stability
This article follows Transverse Stability, Part 2: Stability Curve and Knock-Down Energy If you are looking for information regarding the stability of monohull yachts hit or capsized in beam seas, the subject is treated in the next part, Transverse Stability, Part 4: Sailing Yachts at Sea. In the case of monohulls, regardless of the type […]
Transverse Stability, Part 2: Stability Curve and Knock-Down Energy
This article follows Transverse Stability Part 1: Fundamentals The most relevant way of expressing the relation between heel and stability for a given vessel is plotting the GZ-curve or the righting moment curve. Ships and load-carrying vessels start from KN-curves, because they allow taking into account large variations in trim and loading, but at the […]
Transverse Stability, Part 1: Fundamentals
Transverse stability is the ability of a vessel to resist and recover from heeling over. It important in the sense that this is what prevents a vessel rolling over and capsizing. For sailing vessels, stability is also needed to develop power under sail other than downwind. Stability is a force moment, i.e. forces separated by […]